Nanomaterials in rechargeable lithium batteries

Energy is the vital part of our daily life. Current scenario, rechargeable lithium batteries are used to store renewable energy sources, powering electronic devices, and as a vigorous element in new advanced electric vehicles and for lighting purpose. For more progressive technology we need high energy density rechargeable batteries. We can make advancement in the performance of lithium batteries, by incorporating nanomaterials for the anode, cathode, and electrolyte materials. This article, reviews the use of different types of nanomaterial, to enhance the energy storage density of rechargeable Lithium Batteries.

1. Introduction 

A lot of battery system has been established and commercialized over the past decades. But now these day’s lithium battery is most innovative and efficient. The performance such as the charge/discharge ability, voltage profile, and cyclic stability of lithium ions secondary batteries,depends strongly on the microstructure of the anode materials made of carbon and graphite [1]. The advanced rechargeable battery has powerful energy storage capacity,  low cost,provides safety which are suitable for portable electronic devices [2]. Profound technological significance for portable electronics, electric vehicles, and grid-scale energy storage as shown in Figure-1. Rechargeable battery has taken the main power foundation for lighting, digital cameras, cell phones, laptops etc. because of its superior energy density [3]. Nanomaterials not only increase the storage of rechargeable batteries but also make a safe and long  battery life. First time Lithium related batteries were introduced in 1960 after that lot of changes occur. Broussely,invented that inserting pyrolytic carbon into Lithium ,can improve the performance of the lithium-based [4-5]. Sony Limited, gave the first commercial C/LiCoCO2 related Lithium-ion battery in 1991[6].

2.Working of Lithium-Ion Batteries 

Li-ion batteries are unique because Li-ion is rechargeable. Once the battery is associated with a charger, the Li-ions move in the opposite path from its anode [7]. When the ion is transferred from a cathode to anode, the lithium-ion battery is reinstated for alternative usage. Li-ion battery has three basic components are the electrolyte, cathode, an anode, for these components various types of materials can be used. Mostly for commercial purpose, the anode is made of carbon or graphite. The second component is known as the cathode which is divided three parts first is layered oxides like LiCoO2, second is transition metal phosphate like LiFePO2 and last is spinal like LiMn2O4 [9]. 
3.Nanomaterials for Batteries Thousands of research article, demonstrated that incorporating nanotechnology enables to form a better electrode. Using nanotechnology the surface area of the electrode can be increased which provides more space for Li-ions to make contact them. These progressions ought to make electronic gadgets that utilization Li-ion batteries (e.g. mobile, laptops etc) lighter, stronger, and longtime backup. By changing the anode, cathode and electrolyte different –different nanomaterial make better batteries can be designed [11]. Using nanometer-sized particles, movement of electrons inside the particle will be increased, hence Li-ion electron transport within the particle is also enhanced .Therefore the chemical potential of Li-ion and electrons is  modified. Great-enacted, Lithium-ion battery with progressive carbons will be very useful in the new era of advanced computer, multimedia, and need for eco-friendly batteries [1].
3.1 Use of Nanomaterials as Anode 

Due unstability of Li metal anode is the biggest challenge for making stable Lithium sulfur batteries(LSBs), while lithium metal anode is very important for all types of Li- dependent rechargeable batteries. Generally, Fermi energy level of lithium metal is higher as a comparised to minimum unoccupied molecular orbital energies [11]. Recently proved that nano graphene sheet in range 100-200 nm has much better performance when compared to micro-scale graphene for anode materials in Li-ion batteries. Carbon nanotubes(CNTs) have been of great interest for their diverse and promising applications, including as a candidate anode material for rechargeable Li-ion batteries [13]. Silica anode provides more than 10 fold increase  in theoretical charging power against graphite anodes .But at the same time, Silica anodes are not been realized commercially due to its pulverization and fatigue of the electrode [14].
3.2 Use of Nanomaterials for Cathode 

Limited electrical efficiency is one of the greatest challenges for Lithium-air batteries. During the charging and discharging, cathode losses potential due to overpotential. Porous carbon needed the high potential for charging(4.5v), whereas for low potential (2.5V) for discharging. This huge difference between these two values shows a minimum efficiency [15]. The use of this effect may be expected by applying active catalysts. Due to their effective and good conductivity, metals are mostly used as  catalyst, particularly in the form of nanomaterials for the Li-ion rechargeable and other rechargeable batteries [16]. 

3.3 Use of Nanomaterials as  Electrolyte

  For the electrochemical enactment mostly used low sulfur with many types of carbon structure materials in the place of carbon/sulfur cathodes [17]. Li-Sulfur batteries have low cycle life because organic electrolyte shields property of sulfur and simple end of Lipolysulfide [12].  In charging-discharging  reaction, by-products like Li2S4 , Li2S4,, Li2S8 are formed which are solvable in an ether-based electrolyte. Li-Sulfur batteries mostly use lithium-sulfur but improved the properties can be obtained by using nanocarbon materials for electrolyte [16].


Recently,Synthesizes of nanomaterials and its dimension control are difficult  [3]. Very high electrode/electrolyte surface area may lead to undesired  reactions with the electrolyte materials, and very difficult to maintain inter materials contact [8]. 
The stability of  nano powder materials is generally lower than the same made of micrometer sized particle. Increasing the volume of electrode materials of similar mass of material reduce the volumetric energy density [19].


In this review article, describes use of nanomaterials for Li-ion rechargeable batteries. Nanomaterials show excessive role in enhancing Li-ion rechargeable batteries because in nanoscale electrodes the distance over which Li+ diffuses is intensely reduced. The nanomaterials can be used for advance and superpower storage rechargeable batteries. 

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